Art of Living

Hell and Heaven — Our Own Making

June 9, 2014
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So true of mankind today…   A neat analogy…   A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, “Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.”   The Lord led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy […]



June 1, 2014
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A person approached a saint and said, “O great soul, please tell me about the path to liberation.”   The saint replied, “Go to the cemetery and give abuses to each and every grave and come.” The person did as he was instructed. The next day when he returned, the saint told him, “Now go […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Patience and Understanding

May 22, 2014
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There is a Buddhist saying, “Don’t push the river. It will travel at its own pace anyway.”   For the purpose of spiritual evolution, it helps to envision time as a river, though we should not measure it chronologically, as we do now, but in terms of lessons learnt on the spiritual path towards immortality […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Another Example of Selfless Service (Nishkaama Karmayoga): Vaidya Narayana Murthy, a Living Legend

May 18, 2014

Narayana Murthy, no, we are not talking about our well known IT czar from Benagluru, but this lesser known person from the same state, Karnataka, India, excels in helping thousands of patients ailing from different diseases, from kidney stones to heart diseases to different kinds of cancers. Popularly known as Vaidya Narayana Murthy, around 60 […]

Art of Living

Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee: What can they Teach Us?

May 18, 2014

The Dead Sea is really a Lake, not a sea. It’s so high in salt content that the human body can float easily. We can almost lie down and read a book! The salt in the Dead Sea is as high as 35% — almost 10 times the normal ocean water. And all that saltiness […]

Art of Living Spirituality Uncategorized

An Extra-ordinary Indian

May 11, 2014

Truly Selfless  (Nishkaama Karmayogi)   We still have a few good human beings around who are doing some yeoman service without expecting anything in return… God Bless Such Souls!!!   “I don’t feed beggars. They can look after themselves. The mentally ill won’t ask anyone for food or money,” says N Krishnan who has been […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Shallow Pockets, Large Hearts…

May 8, 2014

They aren’t your regular well-heeled citizens or Pg 3 persons who give away a minuscule percentage of their large earnings to charity (preferably when there’s a camera around). Some of these givers earn barely enough to keep their families going, but are incredibly generous with their time and money.   Maharashtra (India)   1) Whenever […]

Art of Living

Serving Selflessly with Detachment (Niraasakta and Nishkaama Karmayogi)

May 8, 2014
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Billionaire’s Secret Charity   He wears a $15 watch, flies economy class and does not own a house or car. For years, few guessed that Chuck Feeney was one of the world’s biggest philanthropists, secretly giving away his billionaire fortune.   Born in New Jersey during the Depression to a blue-collar Irish-American family, Feeney co-founded […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Teachings of Swami Chinmayananda

May 8, 2014

1) If I rest, I rust.   2) No hand can make the clock strike for me the hours that have passed.   3) The tragedy of human history is that there is decreasing happiness in the midst of increasing comforts and luxuries. So we are comfortably and luxuriously miserable!!!   4) In life we […]

Art of Living

Art of Giving

May 6, 2014

“Rivers do not drink their own water, nor do trees eat their own fruit, nor do rain clouds eat the grains reared by them. The wealth of the noble is used solely for the benefit of others!”   In nature, the sun, the rains, the trees, the spring and the rivers work in a rhythm […]
