A Guide to Life… And a List to Live By…


We need to be constantly reminded about the values we need to imbibe and the negative attitude we need to avoid to make our lives a fulfilling one with contentment, peace and joy.

The most powerful force in life: LOVE!

The greatest asset:                           FAITH!

The most powerful channel of

Communication:                              PRAYER!

The most important thing in
Life:                                                       THE POWER OF GOD!

The greatest joy:                               GIVING!

The worst thing to be without:    HOPE!

The most destructive habit:          WORRY!

The greatest loss:                              THE LOSS OF SELF-RESPECT!

The ugliest personality trait:        SELFISHNESS!

The greatest problem to
Overcome:                                            FEAR!

The most beautiful attire:              SMILE!

The most crippling disease:          EXCUSES!

The most dangerous pariah:         GOSSIP!

The two most power-filled
Words:                                                  I CAN!

The most worthless emotion:      SELF-PITY!

The greatest ‘short in the arm’:  ENCOURAGEMENT!

The most effective sleeping
pill:                                                        PEACE OF MIND!

The most prized possession:       INTEGRITY!

The most satisfying work:            HELPING OTHERS!

…And the greatest attitude:        


Gratitude unfolds the goodness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.

The future is as bright as the promises of God!

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