Art of Living Spirituality

More on Love…

October 19, 2014

Love is difficult to define and there may be different definitions. One definition of love is an utter, absolute and unqualified wish for the happiness of another individual. It is a heartfelt wish for other’s happiness regardless of whether that person does something to injure us or even whether we like that person. Love cures […]

Art of Living Spirituality

On Love…

October 8, 2014
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Love and Lust: Love is love only when it brings balance. If it does not bring balance it is something else. If it does not bring coolness, peace, it is something else. Then lust has been mistaken for love. Lust brings imbalance, anxiety, excitement. Love brings tranquility, silence, equilibrium. That is the criterion to know […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Modern Example of Detachment and Contentment

October 4, 2014
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The strength of just “I can…”   There was a one hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the second richest man who has donated $31 billion to charity. Here are some very interesting aspects of his life:   He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late! He […]

Art of Living

Some Advice to Live by…

September 23, 2014

Remember the three Rs: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions   Believe in love at first sight. When you say, “I love you,” mean it. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it’s the only way to live life completely. Remember that great love and great achievements involve […]

Art of Living

Some Quotes to Think Over…

September 22, 2014
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“Vision without action is a Daydream. Action without vision is a Nightmare!!” — Japanese Proverb   “To make your ideas work for you, you first have to work for them.” — Thomas Alva Edison   “You cannot build a reputation on what you are‘going to do’.” — Henry Ford   “We judge our intentions, but others judge our actions.” — William Mouton […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Happiness is in Giving and Sharing…

September 10, 2014

This story is about a beautiful, expensively dressed lady who complained to her psychiatrist that she felt that her whole life was empty, it had no meaning.   So, the lady visited a counselor to seek happiness. The counselor called over the old lady who cleaned the office floors. The counselor then said to the […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Anger and Forgiveness

September 6, 2014
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There is nothing wrong in expressing anger, but everything wrong in allowing an angry personality to crystallize. When a child commits an error, anger can be expressed for the error committed, so that the same error is not repeated again. If after a few minutes the child falls and injures himself, we immediately pick him […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Holding on to Anger… It’s Real Hot…!!!

August 26, 2014

Anger is defined as an intense attachment for an object when expressed towards an obstacle that comes between us and our object of attachment. It is also defined as revenge taken on ourselves by us for someone else’s mistakes, since it is our temperature and blood pressure that rises, it is our body that shakes […]

Art of Living

Might or Punishment and Forgiveness: Merits and Demerits

August 25, 2014
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From The Mahabharata Vana Parva, Section XXVII   Addressing King Yudhishthira   Draupadi said: On this subject, the ancient story of the conversation between Prahlad and Vali, the son of Virochana is quoted as an example. One day Vali asked his grandfather Prahlad, the chief of the Asura-s and the Danava-s, possessed of great wisdom […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Hatred and Forgiveness

August 18, 2014

In life, we will, no doubt come across people who harm us, hurt us, irritate us, annoy us, trouble us, cheat us, torment us, etc. It will, of course, generate in us a dislike or even hatred for such people. At times we want to be vindictive and get back at them. Being vengeful doesn’t […]
