Art of Living

Easy and Difficult…

December 3, 2014

It is Easy to get a place in someone’s address book. It is Difficult to get a place in someone’s heart and remain there.    It is Easy to judge the mistakes of others. It is Difficult to accept our own mistakes.   It is Easy to talk without thinking. It is Difficult to restrain the tongue.   It is […]

Art of Living

Sometimes Losing is More Profitable!!!

November 30, 2014

There once lived a great mathematician in a village outside Ujjain. He was often called by the local king to advice on matters related to the economy. His reputation had spread as far as Taxila in the North and Kanchi in the South. So it hurt him very much when the village headman told him, […]

Art of Living

Some Valuable Lessons Learnt on the Path of Life…

November 28, 2014
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They’re written by Andy Rooney, a man who has the gift of saying so much with so few words.   I’ve learned…that the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly, wise person.   I’ve learned…that when we are in love, it shows.   I’ve learned…that just one person saying to […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Two Wolves

November 25, 2014

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.   He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.   “One is evil. It is anger, despair, distrust, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, selfishness, arrogance, ignorance, sloth, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, hypocrisy, superiority, demonic disposition and […]

Art of Living Spirituality

The Story of Luqman and the Melon

November 24, 2014

Luqman had great love for the Almighty. It created within him high moral character and exemplary habits.   Luqman used to be in the employ of a rich man. The nobility of Luqman’s character had a great effect on his master, so much so that the master considered him as a great friend and a beloved companion. […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Critics and Criticism…

November 21, 2014

Once there was a painter who had just completed his course. He took 3 days and painted a beautiful scenery. He wanted people’s opinion about his caliber and painting skills. He put his creation at a busy street-crossing, and just down below a board which read, “I have painted this piece. Since I’m new to […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Anger: Its Ill Effects… Let Go…

November 12, 2014
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When everyone around us seems to be in bad spirits, bickering and complaining, we need to take a step back. It’s so easy to answer in kind, but instead we should feel into our heart and answer gently. Let peace radiate from us…    In numerous studies, anger has been found to have a completely […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji…

November 6, 2014

“For each and every person, our Lord and Master provides sustenance. Why are you so afraid, O mind? The flamingos fly hundreds of miles, leaving their young ones behind. Who feeds them, and who teaches them to feed themselves? Have you ever thought of this in your mind?”   “The Enlightened God-conscious person takes delight […]

Art of Living

On Friendship…

November 2, 2014
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From The Mahabharata Shaanti Parva, Section CLXVIII Translated by Sri Kisari Mohan Ganguli   King Yudhishthira said: “O grandsire, you who are possessed of great wisdom, I shall ask you a question. It befits you, O enhancer of the happiness of the Kuru-s, to discourse to me fully upon it. What kind of men are said to […]

Art of Living

A Story of Love, Compassion and Perseverance…

November 2, 2014

This is a true story — a beautiful and touching story of love and perseverance narrated by Mildred Honor.   My name is Mildred Honor and I am a former elementary school music teacher from Des Moines, Iowa. I have always supplemented my income by teaching piano lessons — something I have done for over […]
