Art of Living Spirituality

Buddha’s Technique to Calm a Disturbed Mind…

September 17, 2015

Once Buddha was going from one town to another town. A few of his followers were also with him. This was in the initial days. While they were traveling, they happened to pass a lake. They stopped there and Buddha told one of his disciples, “I am thirsty. Do get me some water from that […]

Art of Living

For Successful Marriage…It’s About Correcting Mistakes…

September 17, 2015
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Piya married Hitesh this day. At the end of the wedding party, Piya’s mother gave her a newly opened bank saving passbook with Rs.1000 deposit amount. Mother: “Piya, take this passbook. Keep it as a record of your marriage life. When there’s something happy and memorable that has happened in your new life, put some […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Do We Have Time to Enjoy Life…..?

September 8, 2015
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In Washington, DC, at a Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007 this man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, approximately 2,000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.   After 3 minutes: A middle-aged man noticed that there was […]

Art of Living

Phrases of Wisdom…that come with Experience!

September 7, 2015
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Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.   Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance.   Someone who thinks logically provides a nice contrast to the real world.   If we had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not […]

Art of Living


September 7, 2015
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“My Mom only had one eye. I hated her… She was such an embarrassment. She cooked for students and teachers to support the family. “There was this one day during elementary school where my Mom came to say hello to me. I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me? I ignored her, […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Pencil, Eraser and You

September 5, 2015

Pencil: “I’m sorry….” Eraser: “For what? You didn’t do anything wrong.”   Pencil: “I’m sorry because you get hurt because of me. Whenever I make a mistake, you’re always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.”   Eraser: […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Understanding and Maturity

September 3, 2015
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Maturity Takes Time:   It is an accepted fact that it takes a person many years to understand and gain wisdom, but it does not mean anything. The maturity required for the wisdom to take place — purity of the mind (antahkarana shuddhi) — has to be gained and there is no hurry. Hurrying it […]

Art of Living

“Burnt Biscuits…”

August 29, 2015

When I was a kid, my Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work.   That evening so long ago, my Mom placed a plate of sandwiches and extremely burned biscuits in […]

Art of Living

Our Tongue is the Translator of Our Intellect…!!

August 24, 2015

As King Haroun and Queen Zubayda were sitting in their palace one day, a fisherman who was selling fresh fish was brought in front of them. King Haroun decided to buy a fish and gave the fisherman 4000 dirhams for it. The fisherman was overjoyed. He thanked King Haroun and left.   Queen Zubayda turned […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Some Thoughts… 

August 21, 2015

Some minds are like concrete,  Thoroughly mixed up and  Permanently set.  *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*     “Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.” ~ Sir James Dewar *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*   He, who angers you, controls you!  *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*     Peace starts with a smile.   *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*     Opportunity may knock Once, but temptation bangs on our door forever.  […]
