Art of Living Spirituality

Advice for Seniors…

December 16, 2018
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At their 50th anniversary, a group of friends and their spouses made a decision to distribute their combined assets among their living heirs. Their rationale, “To avoid trouble.” They added one proviso: “While still alive, income from these properties will be used to maintain our present lifestyle inclusive of medical expenses, extravagant trips and unlimited shopping. “That’s […]

Art of Living Spirituality

How Negative Thoughts Kill by Damaging Our DNA

December 9, 2018

Do you see red when someone cuts past you at the checkout counter? Do you think they deliberately did it? Beware, you are cutting short your life, warn molecular biologist Elizabeth Blackburn — who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2009 — and health psychologist Elissa Epel, who studies stress and ageing.   The authors […]

Art of Living Spirituality

The Danger of Goal-Setting in Momentary Existence…

November 18, 2018
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There’s a built-in danger in goal setting. What is it? It’s believing we’ll only be happy when we reach those goals. We tell ourselves, ‘When I graduate, get a job, own a home, get married, have children,’ and so on, so we keep postponing life.   A university professor tells of being invited to speak […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Wise Sayings…

November 11, 2018
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“The man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.” – Malcolm X   “Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead! If you lose, you can guide.” – Swami Vivekananda   F-E-A-R has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise The Choice is yours!     “Not everything that is faced can […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Transcending Limiting Thoughts and Beliefs…

November 4, 2018
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One day all the employees reached the office and they saw a big advice on the door on which it was written:   “Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym.”   […]

Art of Living Spirituality

I Believe…

October 27, 2018

Birth Certificate shows that we were born. A Death Certificate shows that we died. Videos show that we live! Relax and read this slowly.   I Believe… That we can keep going long after we think we can’t.   I Believe… That sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry, but that […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Some Wisdom…

October 20, 2018
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“Coin always makes sound, but the currency notes are always silent. So, when your value increases keep yourself silent and humble.” –  Shakespeare   Do not educate your child to be rich. Educate him to be happy, so that when he grows up, he’ll know the value of things, not the price.   Good relationships don’t just […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Project ‘Smile’…!!!

October 6, 2018
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Breakfast at McDonald’s…   “I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12 and 3) and have recently completed my college degree. The last class I had to take was sociology. “The teacher was absolutely inspiring with qualities I wish every human being had been graced with. Her last project for the term was called […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Stochastic Probability Theory: Pregnant Deer Scenario

September 1, 2018
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Consider this scenario: In a remote forest, a pregnant deer is about to give birth to a baby. It finds a remote grass field near by a river and slowly goes there thinking it would be safe. As she moves slowly, she gets labor pain; at the same moment, dark clouds gather around that area […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Wu Wei: Letting Good Things Happen

August 18, 2018
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The emperor of China during the Yuan dynasty wanted to have his picture painted. “I’m not satisfied with my portraits done thus far,” he said to a large gathering of artists. “Paint me a picture with the minutest detail, my spitting image.” The king sat down every day for two hours while the finest painters observed […]
