Understanding and Maturity


Maturity Takes Time:


It is an accepted fact that it takes a person many years to understand and gain wisdom, but it does not mean anything. The maturity required for the wisdom to take place — purity of the mind (antahkarana shuddhi) — has to be gained and there is no hurry. Hurrying it does not work, in fact it is like waiting for a banana to ripen. We cannot sit beside the banana tree and say to a green banana, “Come on, hurry up and mature. Ripen, so that we can eat!” We have to let it ripen; only then will it be soft and tasty. It takes its own time and there is nothing we can do about it. Maturity is an evolutionary process, not a revolution.


All processes of ripening and growth are the same, including the maturity of the mind. Yoga of action (karmayoga) is meant for this purpose, for purity of the mind.


Maturity implies two levels — the subjective and the empirical. Subjectively we gather a lot of problems, all of which have to be accounted for and taken care of. Then, empirically, there are wrong conclusions in terms of values, relationships and so on, which also have to be taken care of. It is with reference to these levels of maturity that karmayoga comes in, which aids in getting the wisdom (jnana).


Maturity and Wisdom:


Maturity is in the willingness to accept full responsibility for where we are at in life today; no longer blaming others or circumstances for our situation.


Maturity is in knowing that there is a big difference between human being and being human. Only a few really understand it.

Maturity is when we accept people for who they are and as they are.

Maturity is when we focus on positives in people.

Maturity is when we understand that everyone is right in their own perspective.

Maturity is when we stop trying to change people, and instead focus on changing ourselves.

Maturity is when we learn to “let go”.

Maturity is when we are able to drop any kind of “expectations”, whatsoever, from a relationship and give for the sake of giving.

Maturity is when we do not seek approval from others.

Maturity is when we stop proving to the world how intelligent we are. Maturity is when we stop comparing ourselves with others.

Maturity is when we can differentiate between need and want, and we can let go of our wants.

Maturity is when we understand that whatever we do, we do for our own peace.


Maturity is when we realize that there is absolutely no real, permanent happiness, joy or pleasure in any particular place, object, people, relationship, situation, circumstance, condition and environment. The realization that the source of Infinite, Eternal Bliss is within us is Real Wisdom and Understanding.


Maturity is when we are at peace with ourselves.


If any part of this wisdom is still missing in us, then we can know for ourselves that we are not fully mature as yet and need to develop those qualities.

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1 Comment

  1. Chintu

    A very clear view of maturity in a human being.We can always go back to the pointers of maturity mentioned by Guruji to know to what extent we have evolved.

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