Think, Believe, Dream, and Dare…


An eight-year-old boy approached an old man in front of a wishing well, looked up into his eyes, and asked: I understand you’re a very wise man. I’d like to know the secret of life.

The old man looked down at the youngster and replied: “I’ve thought a lot in my lifetime and the secret can be summed up in four words.


“The first is “think”. Think about the values and principles you wish to live your life by, without making any compromise whatsoever. 


“The second is “believe”. Believe in yourself, your abilities, skills and talents. Believe that you will be able accomplish any task you undertake. Your belief should be based on the thinking you’ve done about the values and principles you wish to live your life by.


The third is “dream”. Dream about the things that can be, based on your belief in yourself and the values and principles you wish to live by.


The last is “dare”. Dare to make your dreams become reality, based on your belief in yourself and your values and principles.”


And with that, Walter E. Disney said to the little boy, “Think, Believe, Dream, and Dare.


Success and victory are not for the weak-minded people, who lack a firm resolve to achieve their goals against all odds and give up easily. 


Success and victory are for the strong-minded ones, who have a firm resolve and are determined to attain their goals against all obstacles and challenges, with a relentless perseverance. 


They alone succeed in making their dreams a Reality.

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1 Comment

  1. Chintu

    The four most important words to ponder over and make part of our living.

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