Some Words Can Set Us Free…


Some words can lock us up – words of hate, of desperation, of sadness and regret. These words can trap us, scare us from daring to live our lives the way we really want to lead them. Sometimes they were said by a parent, sometimes a friend or a loved one, and sometimes by someone who wanted to hurt us. Like it or not, words have power.

But it goes both ways – words that harm us can also heal us, can free us from the chains we put on ourselves and give us new direction. If we read these words carefully and meditate on them, maybe they will prove helpful.


You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time….”


– Charles F Kettering


Past is a nice place to visit, but certainly not a good place to stay.”


The past does not have to be your prison. You have a voice in your destiny. You have a say in your life. You have a choice in the path you take.”


The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” 


– Michelangelo


People who delay action until all factors are favorable are the kind who do nothing.


– William Feather


A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.


– Lao Tzu

Take that step today.



“Do more than belong: participate.

Do more than care: help.

Do more than believe: practice.

Do more than be fair: be kind.

Do more than forgive: forget.

Do more than dream: work.”


– William Arthur Ward


We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”


– Winston Churchill


Never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day.”


Sometimes I just look up, smile and say,

I know that was you God! Thanks!”

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1 Comment

  1. Chintu

    Inspiring words,Thanks Guruji.

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