

Mothers leave all their personal needs behind so their children can have everything they need. They will not sleep or eat until we come home and they know we’re safe and sound. Mothers will protect their children with the price of their own lives.


She is the only woman in the world who will constantly forgive our lies, no matter how big they are. She will still give us that warm smile just minutes after we misbehaved and made her angry as hell.


A mom will endure the pain caused when we reject her and her kisses because we’re too cool to be seen with her when we meet our friends. She will be the only one supporting and lifting our spirits up whenever we’re feeling down.


A mother will do all these things with unconditional love, and she won’t stop just because we’re 50 years old and live in another country.


Some of us only get to understand a mother’s effort once we become parents ourselves better late than never, right? But the ugly truth is that sometimes it can be too late, so we should learn to say “thank you” and “I love you, mom” every time she cooks our favorite meal and every time she calls to check up on us.


She’s tired, but she never retires. She tries her best and maybe she still doubts her mother “skills”, but a few kind words will brighten up her day and give her enough strength to carry on and do what it takes to make us an even better person than we are today.


It’s not every day that we take the time to let them know how grateful we are for everything they’ve done for us. 


Maybe we believe that’s just their duty and we don’t even think to thank them, but the following mom quotes will give us an idea about what motherhood really means and why it should be appreciated.


“A mother understands what a child does not say.”  Jewish proverb


“When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” — Charley Benetto


“Mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.”  Marion C. Garretty 


“There is no influence so powerful as that of the mother in the lives of her children.”


“All that I am or ever hope to be I owe to my mother.” Abraham Lincoln 


“A mother is one who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.”   Cardinal Mermillod  


God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.” — Rudyard Kipling

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1 Comment

  1. Chitti Babu

    The quotes and the lines of Guruji point to the Value of mother tellingly. Thanks.

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