Category: Spirituality

Art of Living Spirituality

Our Inner Strength

April 25, 2021

All of us at some point in time may have experienced stress, fear, panic attacks, etc. We may have also struggled discharging our duties at home, at work and in the society. Whatever may be the situation, the past year has been, no doubt, a difficult year for all of us. We should also realize […]

Art of Living Spirituality

For Peace of Mind

March 7, 2021

Life is never smooth. It is full of ups and downs. We often get caught up in our day-to-day struggles and succumb to negative events and experiences, bad news, negative thoughts and feelings, so much so that all this negativity can start influencing and dominating our lives. In difficult times like these, it’s always restorative […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Life Changing Lessons from Socrates

February 28, 2021

An important thing we can learn from Socrates is that we cannot teach people anything; we can only make them think. We can only draw out of them the wisdom which is latent within them. By doing so, we help open their eyes, making them realize that they were born with infinite possibilities…   Here are some […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Destiny Vs Free Will

February 21, 2021
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Destiny is known variously as luck, chance and fate. Destiny versus Free Will is an age-old debate, which also leads to the subject of being responsible. It has been debated and discussed by the Masters, saints, sages, philosophers, logicians, scientists, etc. for centuries and yet not everyone is satisfied with the conclusion these people have […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Some Observations about Love

February 14, 2021
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In life, we all seek love, whether consciously or unconsciously. We all deep down, desire to lose our sense of self in the embrace of a bigger whole — that is, to feel connected with others. Most of us, however, feel disconnected and alienated and as a result we become miserable. We should analyze what could […]

Art of Living Spirituality

The Illusion of Reflection and Illusory Happiness

February 7, 2021
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Once there was a king who had presented his daughter, the princess, with a beautiful diamond necklace. The necklace was stolen and his people in the kingdom searched everywhere but could not find it. Some said a bird might have stolen it. The king then announced a reward of $50,000 for anyone who found it. […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Mind the Mind!!!

January 31, 2021
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The barrier between us and that sublime experience is our mind and the quality of awareness it generates. We are the victim or the victor of our own mind.   The same mind, which causes distraction, dissipation, turmoil, insecurity, delusion, hatred, anger, fear, panic and dread​, ​can create courage, stability, confidence, security, love, concentration, single-pointedness, and […]

Art of Living Spirituality

On Knowledge and Wisdom, Fools and Geniuses…

January 24, 2021
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“A love affair with knowledge and wisdom will never end in heartbreak.” — Michael Garrett Marino   “Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence. This is like mistaking a cup of milk for a cow.” — Unknown   “If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Digging a Way Out…!

January 17, 2021
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There’s a man who has been by himself in a prison cell with a dirt floor, crude stone walls and two windows one of which looks out towards the ocean.    All of the sudden, he hears a scratching noise and he looks down at the ground that is furthest away from the window facing […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Persistent Effort: Little Bit at a Time

January 10, 2021
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Guy Finley   A young man decided to visit a country known for its uniquely gifted artists. Over the last few years, a growing sense of feeling incomplete had stalked him and the hope behind his journey was to find someone, something, to help him release the great, but still latent forces he knew lived […]
