Without Love…


Intelligence without love makes us perverse.

Fairness and justness without love makes us inflexible and stern.

Diplomacy and tact without love makes us a hypocrite.

Success without love turns us arrogant.

Wealth without love makes us mean and tight-fisted.

Poverty without love turns us into a radical.

Beauty without love makes us capricious.

Authority and power without love lead to tyranny.

Labour without love turns us into a slave.

Prayer and worship without love turns us into egotist.

Faith without love turns us into fanatic.

Bearing our cross in life without love becomes a terrible burden.


Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”

– Maya Angelou

The honorary duty of a human being is to love.

– Maya Angelou

Without these…

“These things will destroy the human race;

Politics without principle,
Progress without compassion,
Wealth without work,
Learning without silence,
Knowledge without wisdom,
Religion without fearlessness and
Worship without awareness.

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1 Comment

  1. Chintu

    The power of love most effectively presented, short and clear.

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