Art of Living Spirituality

Being in the Wrong Environment

September 12, 2021
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Waste of Skills and Abilities   A mother camel and her baby were lying down, soaking up the sun. The baby camel asked his mom, “Why do we have these big humps on our back?”   The mom stopped to think and then said, “We live in the desert where there is not much water […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Mind Laundering…!

August 16, 2021
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Our mind collects countless garbage, in the form of impressions, inclinations and tendencies, over a period of millions of lives. While most of these remain in our subconscious mind, some surface to the conscious mind, from time to time, causing untold psychological sufferings in the form of restlessness, agitations, miseries, frustrations, depression, disappointments and discontentment. There is […]


Importance of a Guru

July 23, 2021

When we read the scriptures, we don’t see more in the book than we did before. Rather we see more in us and more of us in a different light altogether than we did previously, with the help of a Guru.   Learning is accomplished by reading books or listening to discourses. Wisdom is attained […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Billy Graham’s Prayer for the World

July 5, 2021

Billy Graham’s Prayer for the World, at the age of 95:    “Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, ‘Woe to those who call evil good,’ but that is exactly what we have done.  We have exploited the poor […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Motivational Words to Remember when the Going Gets Tough

June 13, 2021

We need to be endlessly productive and motivated, to live our lives to their fullest and be happy. This is easier said than done, as life constantly keeps throwing challenges at us.  We are neither the first nor the last to experience some of the biggest struggles and challenges of life, be it achieving success or pushing through adversity. Even […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Letting Go…

May 3, 2021

For each of us, there comes a time to let go and move on. You will know when that time has come. When you have done all that you can do, it is time to detach. Deal with your feelings. Face your fears about losing control. Gain control of yourself and your responsibilities. Free others […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Our Inner Strength

April 25, 2021

All of us at some point in time may have experienced stress, fear, panic attacks, etc. We may have also struggled discharging our duties at home, at work and in the society. Whatever may be the situation, the past year has been, no doubt, a difficult year for all of us. We should also realize […]

Art of Living Spirituality

For Peace of Mind

March 7, 2021

Life is never smooth. It is full of ups and downs. We often get caught up in our day-to-day struggles and succumb to negative events and experiences, bad news, negative thoughts and feelings, so much so that all this negativity can start influencing and dominating our lives. In difficult times like these, it’s always restorative […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Life Changing Lessons from Socrates

February 28, 2021

An important thing we can learn from Socrates is that we cannot teach people anything; we can only make them think. We can only draw out of them the wisdom which is latent within them. By doing so, we help open their eyes, making them realize that they were born with infinite possibilities…   Here are some […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Destiny Vs Free Will

February 21, 2021
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Destiny is known variously as luck, chance and fate. Destiny versus Free Will is an age-old debate, which also leads to the subject of being responsible. It has been debated and discussed by the Masters, saints, sages, philosophers, logicians, scientists, etc. for centuries and yet not everyone is satisfied with the conclusion these people have […]
