Art of Living Spirituality

Empty Your Cup… Be Receptive

November 24, 2019
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Empty your cup to create space to receive what the Divine has to pour.   Modern life is full of stress and anxiety — this might sound like a cliché but it’s true. We mortals are accumulating more negative baggage every day without realizing that in the process, we are losing among many other beautiful […]

Art of Living Spirituality


November 10, 2019

Empathy is one of the greatest spiritual qualities. Empathy may be the mother of love, because through empathy alone we get to know the other person, we get to see their world through them. Even though there is care and a sense of belonging in both love and attachment, they are not the same. Love […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Objective Knowledge and Subjective Experience

November 3, 2019

There was a guru, who had a novice disciple. The disciple had never seen a cow nor had he tasted the milk. He had read that the cow’s milk is very nutritious as well as delicious. He was very curious to find a cow and taste its milk. He approached his Guru and asked “Do […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Can’t and Impossible?!!!

September 30, 2019

For the determined nothing seems impossible…!!!   Twenty-four-year-old Jessica Cox was born without arms, but she has never let her disability prevent her from enjoying life to its fullest. Jessica also happens to be a licensed pilot, despite her lifelong fear of flying! She relies on her feet to steer and navigate the plane. Jessica […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Transcending the Mind

September 15, 2019

Our mind itself is the biggest and the only problem. Hence, religion, philosophy, psychology and psychiatry come up with many solutions, many conclusions, but no conclusion is conclusive because instantly, many more problems keep arising.   That’s where spirituality differs. Spirituality means not trying to solve a particular problem, but looking at the root of […]

Art of Living Spirituality

The Unbelievable Story of Anita Moorjani…!!!

September 8, 2019

Near Death from Terminal Cancer to Living Life to the Full!!!   Our Real Self is beginning-less and eternal; formless and attribute-less; all pervasive and of the nature of thought-free, object-less, pure blissful awareness. This Pure Blissful Awareness transcends the state of unconsciousness as well as coma.    Anita Moorjani has actually experienced something similar, beyond […]

Art of Living Spirituality

What does a Teacher Make?!

September 2, 2019
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He said, “Doctor wants his child to become a doctor… Engineer wants his child to become an engineer… Businessman wants his ward to become a CEO… But a teacher also wants his child to become one of them…! Nobody wants to become a teacher by choice…”   Very sad but that’s the truth…!   The […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Sow Seeds of Happiness to Reap Fruits of Happiness

August 25, 2019
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None who is observant of common human experience, especially that of suffering, can deny at least the existence of the cruelest injustice in human affairs. No thoughtful individual can long be blind to the inequalities of health and opportunity under which children are seemingly innocently and helplessly born. In this, as in so much else, […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Choosing Our Own Miseries!!!

August 4, 2019

A man used to pray the same prayer every night. Again and again he would ask, “Lord, do one favor for me, at least one favor — and I have been asking my whole life. As far as I can see, I am the most miserable man on earth. Why have you chosen me to […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Inner Transformation

July 16, 2019

One day, all the disciples went to their Master and said, “Master, we all want to go on a pilgrimage.” Master: “Why do you want to go on a pilgrimage?” Disciples: “So that it will bring a transformation and help us on our spiritual path.” Master: “Take this bitter gourd along with you. Make sure […]
