How to Develop Gratitude for the Numerous Things We Already Have?


If we look around the world, we will realize that the design of nature is so very perfect. Everything functions meticulously with mathematical precision in our favor and yet, we have a tendency to complain when we lack certain things in life. This craving for what we do not have is ingratitude. Think about the number of years we have been arrogating various provisions. If we were to pay for these provisions, it would add up to several digits.


The law of gravity is maintained perfectly. The Ozone layer in the ionosphere is designed to prevent ultraviolet rays. Oxygen is heavier than all other gases so it remains on the ground for us to breathe, and all other poisonous gases rise into the atmosphere. Who is responsible for this? There seems to be an unseen benefactor. We need to be grateful to the unseen provider!


Further, imagine if we were to set up a family on the moon, imagine the number of things we would have to take care of like water, the atmospheric condition, and millions of other designs of nature?


“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” — Cynthia Ozick


We take many things for granted because they are already taken care of, and yet, we are ungrateful for all the provisionsPeople are bereft of gratitude, which is not right. We should be grateful for the help we have received from others as long as we are alive.


If we examine our life within us, we find so many things that can go wrong, but they are maintained ingeniously. Therefore, when our mind desires something that we do not have, we should count the blessings and focus on those things that we already have. When we literally count our blessings, we will increase our emotional and mental health.


We have to be aware of our provisions and our provider. Thereafter, we will be able to develop an attitude of gratitude. Devotion to the Supreme is essence in this attitude of gratitude.


Gratitude is one of the most underestimated ways one can use to enrich one’s life. It is the feeling and attitude of appreciation and thankfulness for the good that we receive in life. There are many blessings that come from being grateful for the good things we enjoy in life. Studies have shown that when we express our gratefulness, we tend to feel happier, calmer, are able to perform and achieve more and as a result, it opens up more channels for goodness to enter into our lives


Marcus Aurelius recommended the technique to “Think of what you have rather than what you lack. Of the things you have now, select the best and then reflect how eagerly you would have sought them, if you did not have them.”


“Today, I choose to live with gratitude for the love that fills my heart, the peace that rests within my spirit, and the voice of hope that says all things are possible.” — Anonymous


We should always be thankful to that unseen and unknown
Benefactor and Provider for giving us a wonderful life!

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3 thoughts on “How to Develop Gratitude for the Numerous Things We Already Have?

  1. Gaurav Malbari.

    Hari Aum! Swamiji,

    This article is wonderful to read..
    Every human being on this planet should always express gratitude to the nature for all the valuable things that it has given to us.

    Thanks for daily teachings!!

    Hari Aum!

  2. Pr Narendraprana

    Hari Om Swamiji,

    Really wonderful article! This attitude of gratitude or greatfulness makes us humble.

    Thanks with regards.

  3. Mubareka

    Very true , we should always be grateful for everything and for each human who is part of our lives.

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