Category: Art of Living

Art of Living Spirituality

Nine Simple Rules to Have Contentment

October 5, 2016
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When we came into this world, we did not get an instruction manual on how to live a happy life, but if we think about it for a moment, we realize that we don’t really need one. Life can be much simpler than we think it is and the only thing we need to do […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Some Important Tips for Life

September 28, 2016
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We’re not born with a manual on how to live life, which forces us to learn lessons the hard way. Our education system today may teach us how to make a living, but it doesn’t teach us how to live. Life can be hard, complicated and confusing. We’ll never encounter two situations that are exactly […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Perception in Isolation and in Totality

September 8, 2016
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Sometimes we ask ourselves: “What did I do to deserve this? Why does God let these things happen to me?” A daughter tells her mother how everything is going wrong for her. She probably failed her math exam…. Her boyfriend just dumped her…for her best friend. In times so sad, a good mother knows just […]

Art of Living Spirituality


September 4, 2016
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An anthropologist studying the habits and customs of an African tribe found himself surrounded by children most days. So he decided to play a little game with them. He managed to get candies from the nearest town, and put it all in a decorated basket at the foot of a tree. Then he called the […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Some Random Reflections….

August 31, 2016
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A birth certificate shows we were born. A photo album shows we have lived. A death certificate shows we have died. But that is not life all about. The purpose of life is to spread the fragrance of our good deeds, in our own small way and make a positive difference, even if it is […]

Art of Living Spirituality

The Flute and some Teachings of Shri Krishna

August 25, 2016

Our life is like a flute. A flute has many holes, so also our life has many holes (miseries, sorrows, pain, stress, failures, disappointments, imperfections, weaknesses, etc.). Unless we know how to play the flute of life, it can be harsh on us and may crush us.   Lord Krishna’s favorite musical instrument is flute. […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Some Truths we have to Remember when things start going Against Us

August 22, 2016
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Several times in our lives we are faced with a situation where problems, struggles and hardships seem to fill our day, overwhelm us and everything feels bleak and hopeless. It is during such times that it is important to remember these ten undeniable truths: 1) Pain and suffering help us grow What doesn’t kill us […]

Art of Living Spirituality

Are Negative Emotions and Thoughts causing us to fall Ill?

August 13, 2016

One day, a man had flu. His wife dropped his plate and utensils in boiling water, so he won’t spread his germs. Their 5 year old daughter saw this and asked, “What are you doing Mommy?” “I’m boiling the dishes to kill Daddy’s germs,” she said. The girl remained quiet. After awhile, she said, “I […]

Art of Living Spirituality


August 3, 2016
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What gets noticed, what makes a change, what will make things happen, what creates momentum, what gets talked about, what gets impossible things done, what inspires loyalty, what is in demand, what wins against odds, what creates history — are remarkable things and events. Remarkable is an awesome word. It is worth making a remark […]
