This One Armed, 3 Year Old Golfer is Incredible!!!


Tommy Morrissey is 3 years old – and he’s got a heck of a swing. At three, not only can he pound the ball, but he does it with only ONE arm, that too his left arm!! He was born with a deformed right arm.

Here Morrissey gets to meet his golfing idol, Tiger Woods, shocking him with his talents.

We often keep on cribbing and complaining about problems, difficulties and setbacks in our lives — even when they are minor ones.

We need more of this inspiration in our lives to spur us on and encourage us in our various pursuits. Life is not easy. It is never a smooth sailing.


Moreover, a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.

When on life’s journey, we often get disheartened, discouraged, frustrated or disappointed due to various reasons. We need something to inspire us, motivate us, encourage us and raise our self-confidence and morale on regular basis.


People often say that motivation doesn’t last and I tell them that bathing doesn’t either. That’s why I recommend it daily.”

– Zig Ziglar  

Don’t complain when you have a bad day on the golf course with a kid competing with you!

Click on the blue coloured letters below to watch him play golf:

And here is the reason why! 



OR Click on the following link:



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