Some Words and Thoughts…



The most damaging one letter word: I — Avoid It.

The most satisfying two letter word: We — Use It.

The most poisonous three letter word: Ego — Kill It.

The most used four letter word: Love — Value It.

The most pleasing five letter word: Smile — Keep It.

The fastest spreading six letter word: Rumour — Ignore It.

The most sought after seven letter word: Success — Achieve It.

The most wicked eight letter word: Jealousy — Shun It.

The most powerful nine letter word: Knowledge — Acquire It.

The most essential ten letter word: Confidence — Develop It.


Winners Vs Losers:

Winner: I must do something.

Loser: Something must be done.

Winner: Difficult but possible.

Loser: Possible but difficult.

Winner: Are a part of the team.

Loser: Are apart from the team.

Winner: Always has a program.

Loser: Always has an excuse.

Winner: Says let me do it for you.

Loser: Says it is not my job.

Winners Never Quit

Quitters Never Win!



Don’t waste these two: Time and Money.

Control these two: Temper and Tongue.

Preserve these two: Good Deeds and Good Friends.

Leave these two: Jealousy and Laziness.

Keep these two: Smile and Attitude.

Reject these two: Injustice and Unfaithfulness.

Love these two: Bravery and Gentility.

Like these two: Kindness and Sympathy. 


The bad way will be easy to follow, but it never gives us happiness and peace of mind. The good way will be very difficult but it ultimately changes us as agood person“.


If we make one decision; we will solve many problems

If we put in a lot of hard-work; we will attain lasting success.

Don’t sit like a rock, work like a clock.


Raw diamonds are black in color, but it has value after polishing. Same applies to humans as well, but here polishing is painful and to be valuable one has to go through this painful process.


Wise criticizer is a real friend rather than usual admirer and appreciator


Achieving 100 friends in a year is not real achievement, but achieving one friend for lifetime is a real achievement. This is not about virtual friends. A person said he has four hundred friends and yet he is lonely. All of them are facebook friends, none of whom he has ever met.  


Loving heart is divine, never cause it pain.

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2 thoughts on “Some Words and Thoughts…

  1. Chintu

    Important values conveyed by so many valuable sayings.

  2. Chetana

    Very nice…..valuable words and thoughts

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