Some Teachings of Life……


(1) Your secret is no longer a secret, as soon as even one person other than you knows it.


(2) If you don’t want others to know about a negative act, refrain from doing it in the first place.


(3) People were created to be loved and things were created to be used; but the reason why there are so many conflicts in the world is because things are being loved and people are being used and abused.


(4) Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.


(5) It is always good to check once in a while and make sure that

You haven’t lost the things that money cannot buy..!!


 (6) What is SUCCESS?

It is when your photos are uploaded on GOOGLE, instead of FACEBOOK..!!


 (7) Always persevere; don’t give up. Nurture a green tree of hope in your heart.

The singing birds will automatically come..!


 (8) No one in the world is afraid to speak the truth.

Everybody is afraid to face the consequences after the truth is told!


 (9) “F-E-A-R” has two meanings:

  1. Forget Everything And Run…

  1. Face Everything And Rejoice..!

Choice is ours..!!

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