I Have Realized That……


No matter how many times we pray, we only get what we rightfully deserve. In life we always get what we deserve, not what we desire and He knows what we deserve.


I Have Realized That…… 

Lonelier we feel, lonelier the world makes us feel. 

I Have Realized That…….

Kids are never at fault.

They just mirror our faults.

I Have Realized That…… 

Every relationship has an expiry date.

I Have Realized That…… 

Tears convey more than what words can never say.

I Have Realized That…… 

Words had hurt us more than the wounds we had suffered in life. 

I Have Realized That…… 

We can’t have happiness unless we are happy here and now.

I Have Realized That……

If we make decisions emotionally, we are bound to regret them later in our lives.

I Have Realized That…… 

I am better when I am silent.

I Have Realized That……

When we are ecstatic about something, there are never enough people to share it with.

I Have Realized That……  

When we have nothing to lose, we show our true character.

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