Being Rich or Truly Satisfied…?


A Quaker had this sign put on a vacant piece of land next to his home:




A wealthy farmer who was riding by, stopped to read the sign and said to himself, “Since our friend the Quaker is so ready to part with this plot, I might as well claim it before someone else does. I am a rich man and have all I need, so I certainly qualify.”


With that he went up to the door and explained what he was there for. 


“And are you truly satisfied?” the Quaker asked. 


“I am, indeed, for I have everything I need.”


“Friend,” said the Quaker, “if you are truly satisfied, what do you want the land for?”


Being rich doesn’t mean earning more abundantly, spending more lavishly or saving more…

We are rich when we needno more”.


While others strive for wealth, the enlightened, being content with what they have, possess it without striving.

Being well content with little they are rich as kings.


A king himself is a pauper when his kingdom does not suffice him.


Whenever you want to know how rich you are never count your currency. Just try to drop a tear and count how many hands reach out to wipe that

That is true richness.

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1 Comment

  1. Rita

    Hari Aum, Swami-ji

    “Just try to drop a tear and count how many hands reach out to wipe that…” This is real satisfaction in human life. Wealth is important but satisfaction is most important in life. Real wealth is our satisfaction. In our lives, some specific people only can wipe our tears. Swami-ji, whenever I drop a tear then you wipe it and create a nice smile on my face. That is my real satisfaction.
    Swami-ji your blessings are always with me and my family.

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