Accept Yourself and Be Yourself


Accept yourself.  It is our inability to accept ourselves fully, with all our insecurities, flaws, weaknesses and shortcomings, that causes so much anguish in our lives. 


The battle of being uncomfortable in our own skin, constantly comparing ourselves to others and having negative thoughts daily is not easy. In fact, nothing for us is easy until we accept ourselves and learn to love ourselves unconditionally


Never, ever shame yourself. When somebody clicks your picture, you may have a few words of criticism regarding your body or pose. But if you do criticize yourself, take some time and write all the things you love about yourself. 


Contrary to what our inner demons might have us believe, we’re more than adequate. All you need is to look at yourself as you see someone you love. Then, a facial scar, hair loss, bodyweight, a dip in career will not seem more important than you.


The way to living a calm and peaceful life is to remember that no one is perfect. From the oldest to the youngest, everyone has made mistakes and will continue to make them. That’s how we grow and gain knowledge. So, make your share of mistakes, but don’t repeat them. Be prepared to forgive quickly everyone especially yourself. 


We believe that once our external situation changes, our inner peace will be restored. For example, a successful career with a perfect partner will make us happy. But it’s quite the opposite. Once we have inner peace, our outer world will change for good


Be grateful for what you have and the universe will give you more things you can be thankful for. Make a note of things you’re grateful for, every day. It’ll assist you on your journey of unconditional self-love.


Once you accept yourself and your present, you’ll feel more confident. You’ll attract people who inspire you. Even the opportunities you’ve been waiting for might show up.


Stop worrying about other people’s opinions. When you let go of your insecurities, you’ll impress yourself, not others. You’d just focus on growing into a better version of yourself


You’re a beautiful combination of things that make you unique!


What a miraculous thing it is to be you! Nobody has the same combination of talents, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, sorrows and opportunities.


Nobody’s fingerprints are the same. No one has the same concerns or ambitions as you. You are unique.


Accept and enjoy this uniqueness. You don’t have to pretend to be like what others expect you to be. Don’t be afraid to be different. No one in the world has the same things going on in their mind, soul, or spirit as you have going on in yours. It is a gift only to you. Treasure and share your uniqueness. 


Nobody can speak your words. Nobody can smile your smile. No one can leave the same impact on another person as you do. Be inspired by the fact that you are unique. Don’t ever try to change that. Because you’re perfect that way, people will value you for who you are.


Don’t sacrifice your personality trying to become someone else. Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself. It gives rise to unnecessary jealousy. You have no idea what their journey is all about. Don’t let your neighbours set your standards. Be yourself. Don’t imitate others. Instead of being a poor imitation be a 100% original. The turmoil between our true nature and what we pretend and strive to be is what we call stress or tension.


Accept yourself and be in love with yourself because in Buddha’s words “you yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

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3 thoughts on “Accept Yourself and Be Yourself

  1. Geetesh Prabhakar Bemblikar

    Swamiji Pranam ,

    Once we have inner peace, our outer world will change for good.
    Above words are perfect and it’s universal truth that if we have our inner peace we have our satisfied life and outer changeable things not affect our peace .
    Your few words on how to make inner peace will help us to make ourself joyful always .

  2. Nimish

    Thank you for this beautiful article Swamiji! It really brought joy in my heart!
    May I please ask you a question about it?
    The beginning of the article mentions that “It is our inability to accept ourselves fully, with all our insecurities, that causes so much anguish in our lives”. Towards the end it says “When you let go of your insecurities, you’ll impress yourself, not others. You’d just focus on growing into a better version of yourself”

    My question is that do we need to accept our insecurities or let go of them? And what does it actually mean to accept one’s insecurities and also what is it to let go of them?

    1. happyalways

      First of all, we need to accept and acknowledge that we have a problem and not be in denial. Unless we accept that there is a problem how can we get rid of it? I may have a few insecurities, weaknesses, defects and flaws, but if I am in denial and refuse to accept them, how can I work to get rid of them or overcome them? Most of our insecurities are due to overthinking or only in our imagination. With a clear mind and deep shraddha (faith) we can get rid of them.

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